Honzuki No Gekokujou
Alternative : 本好きの下剋上 ~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~ (Japanese); 爱书的下克上 (Chinese); Ascendance of a Bookworm ~ Stop at nothing to be a librarian ~ (English) - Author(s) : Kadzuki Miya Suzuka
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 11.800.000
- Genre : Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of life
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Reino, a book loving college student who just got her Librarian certification and was just hired to be the librarian of a large university library. Just before graduating and entering the job of her dreams, she was killed by a massive earthquake crushing her underneath a pile of her own books. Wishing for reincarnation in order to read ever more, where she got reincarnated to was a world with a low literacy rate and very few books, limited only to the nobility of the world. As she reincarnated as the daughter of a lowly soldier, no matter how much she wants to read there is no way there are any books around. If there are no books then what do you do? Why, you make them yourself of course. What her goal is, to become the librarian of a library! In order to live a life surrounded by books, she starts with making books.
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