The Cursed Sword Master’S Harem Life: By The Sword, For The Sword, Cursed Sword Master
Alternative : Makenshi no Maken Niyoru Maken no Tame no Harem Life,Habitual Swordsman's Cursed Sword Have Become Magical Swords Leading to Harem Life,魔剣師の魔剣による魔剣のためのハーレムライフ - Author(s) : Fukuryu Saya Kojima
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 10, 14:00
- view : 25.300.000
- Genre : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Shounen
The Cursed Sword Master’S Harem Life: By The Sword, For The Sword, Cursed Sword Master:
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Fujinomiya Soujirou is transported to a fantasy world with only his Daisho (pair of samurai swords) in hand. The katana can talk and swiftly informs him that it is Hotarumaru, the legendary national treasure of Japan thought lost during World War II. The wakizashi is to young to have a voice, to Souji names it Sakura. This is the story of Souji and Hotarumaru's journey through a new world as he seeks to achieve ... a sword harem?