Manga Hot

  • Yours To Claim

    Alternative : 주인의 사정
  • Author(s) : Zzin-Bam / Waje
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Mar 22, 12:00
  • TransGroup :
  • view : 8.100.000
  • Genre : Drama, Harem, Mature, Smut, Yaoi
  • 4.9

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Nothing crazy ever happens to Jooin. He's just your average college student, keeping his head down and flying under the radar. Yahwi, on the other hand, is drop dead gorgeous, super popular…but also kinda mean. So why has the campus heartthrob taken an interest in a total nobody? There must be an ulterior motive…but it's hard to care when faced with those killer looks. Will Jooin become a slave to his desires? Or perhaps he'll become the master himself…
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